What should you eat and what should you avoid if you have hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a phenomenon of bulging and excessive dilation of the venous plexus at the end of the rectum and anus…
People with hemorrhoids should eat vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber
What are hemorrhoids, how to treat hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are the phenomenon of bulging and excessive dilation of the venous plexus in the end of the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids are a type of disease of the venous blood vessels. When the anal veins function poorly, the blood that flows here will not be able to circulate, causing stagnation, causing the veins to dilate and bulge. Severe disease with large hemorrhoids can cause blood to clot into clots, causing blockage. There are many causes of hemorrhoids, but the main ones are internal heat and constipation, which are also factors that make hemorrhoids develop quickly. Therefore, people with hemorrhoids need to adjust their eating and living habits in a reasonable and harmonious manner to limit the development of the disease.
1. People with hemorrhoids should eat Dishes that provide a lot of fiber such as: vegetables, tubers, fruits, tofu, cereals. Malabar spinach, jute, amaranth, and sweet potato have cooling and laxative properties that help ease digestion. Sweet potatoes are also very good for people with hemorrhoids, so eat boiled sweet potatoes at snacks. You should eat grapefruit, oranges, and tangerines to help clear heat and provide lots of fiber. In addition, cool drinks such as pennywort juice, fish mint juice, carrot juice and fruit juices are especially good in supporting the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.
Vegetable juice is especially good for people with hemorrhoids
2. People with hemorrhoids should abstain and limit eating Spicy foods such as ginger, lemongrass, chili, pepper… You should especially abstain from beer, alcohol, and minimize tobacco, tea, and coffee.
According to bacsibenhtri.com